
There are plenty of ways to get Stratosphere. Pick any of the following to start.

Download the ready to run binary package if you want to use Stratosphere on your computer or cluster.

If you are planning to use Stratosphere with data stored in HDFS or HBase or if you want to run it using YARN, choose a Stratosphere version that matches your Hadoop version. Stratosphere ships with code to access Hadoop (e.g. HDFS, HBase and YARN). If you want to use Stratosphere without Hadoop, we recommend using the Hadoop 1 enabled version.

Meteor is a powerful query and scripting language on top of Stratosphere. Unpack the Sopremo/Meteor binary into the same directory as Stratosphere.

Download Sopremo/Meteor

Find more information about Stratosphere in the Documentation.

Use the Maven Dependencies to add Stratosphere to your project.

These dependencies also include a local execution environment and thus support local testing.

Adding the entries below to your project's dependencies (in the pom.xml file) causes Maven to include the Stratosphere classes in your project. If you want to interact with Hadoop (HDFS), pick the dependency matching your Hadoop version. In doubt, use the Stratosphere version for Hadoop 1.x.


The listed dependencies reference the Java API. To use the Scala API, replace the stratosphere-java artifact id with stratosphere-scala.

If you don't have a Maven project yet, we encourage you to use our Quickstart scripts to create one with all the Stratosphere dependencies already in place.

We have also prepared a Debian repository for Debian/Ubuntu systems.

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stratosphere.list
# deb ./
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stratosphere-dist

To start the services run:

sudo service taskmanager start
sudo service jobmanager  start

Compile Stratosphere on your own machine.

git clone
cd stratosphere
mvn clean package -DskipTests
git clone
cd stratosphere
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dhadoop.profile=2

Make sure to checkout the Documentation for further help.

The Nightly Builds contain the most recent development code. Use them for example if you need a feature before its release. Only builds that pass all tests are published here.


Travis CI builds a new test build each time we push into the repository.

Download Latest (0.5-SNAPSHOT) Stratosphere YARN tgz package

Download Latest (0.5-SNAPSHOT) Stratosphere for Hadoop 1

Download Latest (0.5-hadoop2-SNAPSHOT) Stratosphere for Hadoop 2

Find all binaries on Amazon S3.

SNAPSHOT-Versions Quickstart scripts

$ curl | bash
$ mvn archetype:generate                             \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=eu.stratosphere               \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart-java-SNAPSHOT   \
    -DarchetypeVersion=0.5-SNAPSHOT     \
This allows you to name your newly created project. It will interactively ask you for the groupId, artifactId, and package name.

SNAPSHOT-Versions in Sonatype Maven

Add the Sonatype Snapshots repository to into your Maven pom:
Set the version to the next snapshot version, for example: 0.5-SNAPSHOT

Feel free to contact us if you have any problems or suggestions.

The Stratosphere developers are using JProfiler from ej-technologies.